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Climate Change Solutions

A New Solution to Limit and Reverse Climate Change using 24/7 Sustainable Energy.

How Does ECS Work?

How does it work?

The first and most important fact to emphasise, is that the Energy Conversion System (ECS) is definitely NOT a Perpetual Motion (PM) machine.

These totally impractical PM devices had their origin in mediaeval times, long before Isaac Newton and his contemporaries developed an understanding of the Physical Laws.

The fundamental Law of Conservation of Energy (or First Law of Thermodynamics) states that: - Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another.

PM machines violate this physical law by attempting to create energy out of nothing. ECS, however, fully complies with this law by transforming gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy and finally into shaft power for mechanical or electrical use.

Gravitational Force is ubiquitous everywhere on Earth, virtually constant 24/7, regardless of time or weather, presenting an ideal source of large scale 100% renewable energy, if only it can be harnessed.

The hydrodynamic Energy Conversion System achieves this by utilising two liquids of differing densities, to create a head of water, with gravitational potential energy, which can then be converted into useful power, hence fully complying with all the Laws of Thermodynamics.

ECS does this by maintaining a constant state of imbalance in the fluid circulation, which g-force attempts to rebalance by continuously displacing water to a height. In doing so the g-force is converted into gravitational potential energy and then into electrical or mechanical power, using conventional equipment.

The energy converted from g-force by ECS, exceeds the energy required to maintain the circulation of the hydrodynamic system. Of the total input g-force approximately 60% can be converted into useful power, the remaining 40% balance is used to maintain the system in operation and overcome friction losses etc.

This fact means that the Energy Conversion System fully conforms to the fundamental 'Laws of Thermodynamics, something which no Perpetual Motion machine ever could achieve!

A simplified illustrated explanation of ECS can be seen at Technology – How it Works.

Sustainable & Renewable Energy

Examples of Renewable Energy are Wind power, Solar power, Hydroelectric &Tidal energy. All these are intermittent in output. A new Energy Conversion System technology opens up the first 24/7 source of large-scale Renewable Energy available globally at a constant rate, namely Gravitational Force.

Take Control of Your Power Production

The Energy Conversion System  is designed for large-scale power generation in the multi-megawatt range.

It can range up to 16MW as individual units, however, they can also be connected in series to provide pressurised water feed to a single large water turbine generator. This flexibility significantly reduces the capital cost of larger installations.

Energy Conversion System units are land-based, they can be built on Brownfield sites close to population or industrial centres.

They operate quietly with no exposed moving parts to endanger wildlife,

Energy Conversion System units operate 24/7 at full design load, giving a 100% capacity factor (CF) compared to the 30% to 35% CF of a wind turbine or the 12% to 15% CF of a UK solar farm, resulting in an excellent return on investment.

See the 'Advantages of the Energy Conversion System' page for further information.

Licensing this Climate Change Technology 

The Energy Conversion System technology has been patented in the UK, EU, USA & China, all major industrialised countries. It is available for licensing to companies already engaged in energy production, or those considering entering the field of renewable energy.
The unique ability of The Energy Conversion System to consistently generate 24/7 offers an unprecedented business opportunity, while at the same time minimising the effects of climate change.

Energy Conversion System: Global Licensing

The Energy Conversion System technology is available for licensing to any organisation prepared to develop and commercialise it.


However, to capitalise on the significant opportunity this presents, it requires the necessary financial and engineering resources to develop it to a commercial scale.


Commercial scale would be defined as an Energy Conversion System unit capable of generating power and of course, revenue, to give an acceptable Return on Investment (ROI) NB. A financial example of a 2.4MW unit is given here: Financials.


For further information on licensing Energy Conversion System please use the Contact form or email Alan Kenney:

Energy Conversion System: Financials

Financial Projections

Return on investment projections for a single 2.4MW Energy Conversion System-DM unit based on a price of GBP 75 per MW/hr with & without reinvestment.


This ROI projection was prepared in 2019 and in view of the current 2023 energy crisis could be substantially revised.


The UK National Grid’s cost of matching electricity supply & demand in 2022 exceeded GBP 4 billion, a 250% increase since 2019.

These huge costs, equivalent to GBP 150 per household, are a consequence of shrinking baseload generation capacity.  

Hydrogen Production

The Energy Conversion System 24/7 technology, when deployed at scale, will significantly reduce the costs of balancing the grid and reduce the cost and need of storing energy produced by wind & solar.

In periods of reduced demand the Energy Conversion System units can be seamlessly switched to hydrogen & oxygen production using well established electrolyser technology.

Advantages of The Energy Conversion System

G-force is virtually constant all over the planet, hence the Energy Conversion System technology can be applied in any practical location.

Coal Power Station

Replacing Fossil Fuels for Energy

The transition from coal, oil & gas to produce electricity will take time and this will be governed by the rate at which renewable energy can be installed. Energy Conversion System units are relatively inexpensive to construct, they can be located close to towns and large industrial users, saving on capital and transmission losses. Importantly, it saves valuable time, to get this important Energy Conversion System technology online, generating 24/7 sustainable energy.

Off shore Wind Turbines

Competitive with Wind Turbines

When comparing Energy Conversion System units with Wind Turbines look at the complete picture. (i) Capex, broadly similar, the larger the unit the cheaper per MW (ii) ECS lifetime, similar to hydropower installations at 50 -60 years. Wind turbines 15 – 20 years. (iii) Energy Conversion System units can operate at 100% capacity factor, 24/7.  Wind turbines only operate at 30 – 40 % capacity factor

Hydropower Station

Low Maintenance Costs

Hydropower installations operate economically for generations. There are, however, significant costs involved in maintaining their dams and infrastructure. Energy Conversion System units are closed circuit, continually recirculating the same water. Properly designed, operational lives could be 50+ years, a notable fact for Finance Directors to consider when costing Energy Conversion System MW power!



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